Wednesday Crew

Bob Majors' weekly reports  -  Assembled by Robert Middour
Chapter: 1 26-Jan-2012
End of boxcar 28655 was finished this date. Bill Brooks worked all day long to make a front end loader operational, with consultation from our local real estate entrepreuner. Chris and Jim worked on MOW projects. Visitors from Maine toured the area. Vegetarians from Chapel Hill picketed the Swift's Premium fridge, apparently sent by Paul and the others from the Yates Motor Company group. I called in the Swat team from Harris Plant and they were rapidly dispersed.The two buildings moved to the G Scale site are now rented to very nice families.They are using the Porta Potty on the other side to comply with HUD regulations.
Chapter: 2

Yes, the family loves the double door accent, but disdains the old wooden out house, prefering instead the blue plastic enclosure.Have we applied for the Federal grant for insulated windows? We'll need a minorty contractor and an environmental impact survey as well. Translator who speaks esperanto must be onsite 24/7. I took away their orange extension cords that had extensive tape repairs and they are using whale oil lamps
Chapter: 3
Tyner Foundation has generously supported the housing, and also the modern art display!-----
Chapter: 4
Today, it looked like both families were settled in. HVAC people were there, and ducts seem to be taking up more room than had been thought. However, as explained through the esperanto interpreter, they seemed to understand. Also explained that the lumber pile was not really a pile but a modern art work. This was harder to explain Overall, its been very succesful! 
Chapter: 5 1-Feb-2012
After the gang left on Wednesday , the Occupy Bonsal group returned. They admitted being scared away by our numbers. They were also disturbed by the noise and the constant coming and going of the Kubota tractor, even though I explained that Charles was creating a sculpture with a different look, and not, as they termed it," a scrap heap". I have personally relented in my opposition to their storing items in the reefer. They've had a lot of spoilage in their foodstuffs due to lack of refrigeration. As you know, one of their countrymen is the steward on the Silver Star, and he's been tossing containers of Yak Butter(one of their staples) off as they pass each day. This item, as the Chapel Hill gourmands will tell you, doesn't keep well.The other disturbing thing to the group was the incident where the remaining homeplace, next to the paint shack, was moved by someone with an abbreviated tonsure, operating a forklift. Naturally, they were terrified, as anyone would be with this amount of jostling.


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